Smart Sensor and Lighting Controls

Smart Sensor and Lighting Controls

Data Sheet for Smart Bluetooth Lighting Control

Bluetooth MESHLE allows electronic devices to connect to each other via Bluetooth mesh network. This approach benefits from two great technologies, Bluetooth Low Energy and Mesh Network.


Bluetooth Low Energy

All modern smartphones and tablets support Bluetooth LE. Therefore, products with Bluetooth on board are easily controlled by mobile device.

There is no need of an Internet connection, a central control station, wireless router or additional wiring. The only reason why IoT companies haven’t widely used Bluetooth in their products yet is because of its low radio distance range.

Therefore, MESHLE developed a technology that relays on bluetooth mesh network. What is mesh network?

Mesh Network

A mesh network is a kind of network in which all mesh nodes cooperate in the distribution of data. Each node passes the information to another node until it has reached its destination. A mesh network is due to redundant nodes the most secure version of a network. In our case IoT devices are equipped with a bluetooth chip. They connect to each other and as a result build a bluetooth mesh network which is especially relevant in areas where Internet or Wi-Fi is not available.


The best out of two worlds.


Every device becomes a Bluetooth hotspot. All modern smartphones and tablets supporting Bluetooth LE.

Smartphone control

Control Bluetooth network with an easy to use smartphone application.


We take security very seriously. All connections are AES 128 encrypted and meet the latest security requirements.

Mesh network

Mesh network is very reliable and failsafe due to its structure. It also allows to expand radio range by simply adding new devices.

 Easy Setup


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